Friday, April 10, 2009


Hitch a film like no other. Hitch plays a man who is good at getting together with his female friends he meets at bars, clubs, and the market, but he nows a guy that aint. His name is Willsmith, which is a british Name. Willsmith is wants to have a girlfrint so he asks his woman-good frieand Hitch to help him out. Hitch is a slick fella. ck fella. Hitch grappling hooks or climes onto the sides of roofes and looks in through all the windows, to make sure, that willsmith is making love, and if he isnt....well "let's just say" Hitch wont be happy!


  1. About fucking time. Good job.

  2. this is paul im paul

  3. this is paul im paul moarthanPaul is paul paul? I have paul's number and it is 2066051239

  4. someones been a smokin the marijuana...

  5. your all bullshit lier.s im paul


Dont Let The Bedbugs Bite!